When Your Food Comes With A Story

When Your Food Comes With A Story


SOURCE : Twitter page BindiTurner

Courtesy food connect

Comments : To know what you eat these days is a blessing. As some nations do not require their foods to be labeled people are not given choices and are taken advantage of.

Japan withdraws support for HPV vaccines due to infertility side effects

Japan withdraws support for HPV vaccines due to infertility side effects

By Lance Devon Naturalnews

Image taken from scienceblog.com

The government of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is speaking out about the destructive side effects coming from popular, worldwide-promoted HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix. Gardasil is Merck’s opus and Cervarix is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

As of today, an estimated 3.28 million Japanese people alone have been inoculated with these HPV vaccinations. So far, 1,968 adverse cases have been presented to the Japanese government, detailing severe medical side effects.

The Japanese people are reporting side effects ranging from “long-term pain and numbness to infertility and paralysis.” In the wake of these complaints, the Japanese government has decided to withdraw its support for these widely pushed and controversial HPV inoculations.

Read full article Click here

Did you know?

SOURCE : Offtheradar.co.nz

France said “NO” and they banned GARDASIL ADS.

A recent news report claims that there has been a spate of false advertising by Merck and GlaxoSmithKline for their HPV vaccines. SANE VAX sent out a press release this week reporting that around the world HPV vaccines have been falsely advertised. They state that as a consequence of false advertising France have banned Gardasil advertising and many adverts for Cervarix have been removed in the UK.

On the 31 August 2010, France banned advertising Gardasil as an anti-cancer vaccine in their country. A press release went out on the 4th January 2011 from SANE VAX entitled Gardasil, One Less Victim of Cervical Cancer?” France says ´NO´ as they ban Gardasil ads stating:

“Amidst all of the media hype surrounding HPV vaccines, the traditional press has remained silent on many critical issues, not the least of which occurred on the 31 of August 2010 in France. As of that date, Merck´s marketing partner for the HPV vaccine Gardasil, Sanofli-Pasteur, was officially prohibited from advertising Gardasil for cervical cancer prevention in France.

According to public documentation, the Director General of the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) found the sponsor of several Gardasil ads to be in direct violation of the French public health code.”




Vanishing Of The Bees

Vanishing Of The Bees

Posted by Sam L on YOUTUBE