Being A Housewife Is A Big Deal- Isn’t It?

Being A Housewife Is A Big Deal- Isn’t It?

Comments : The above picture says it all. Pity is what many have when they say “she is just a housewife”. In order to wake the majority of the men audience we shared the above cartoon. Hopefully it sheds some light.

Image taken from @Dr.Shoba


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4 Responses to Being A Housewife Is A Big Deal- Isn’t It?

  1. preethiprasan says:

    🙂 could not help but smile….simply expressed, but such a strong message.

  2. Harsha says:

    I would say we have a House because there is A Housewife for that…We Men will really never know the work,the pressure our mother,Wife handle being a HouseWife

    • adz25 says:

      being a housewife is a huge task . Now that does not mean being a working mother is easy that doubles the work.
      But degrading a women should not be done. Something that our community does.!! An evil act !