World Toilet Day-Animation Video

World Toilet Day-Animation Video

Posted by OfficialWTD on YOUTUBE

World toilet day is observed every year on the 19th of November. This day internationally focuses on the sanitary challenges people face in their day-to-day life . Imagine using a toilet with no privacy or not even having a proper one. A human completely looses their self-respect not having a private one. To learn more about this day and the sanitation around the world please visit

Invisible slaves trapped in manual labour, drug trafficking and sex work

Invisible slaves an MTV EXIT Special hosted by Calle13 


A powerful, shocking and encouraging new documentary film hosted by Calle13; one of the biggest and most influential Latin American bands of all time. The program follows four young victims of modern-day slavery who are sharing their stories so others can escape and recover from the suffering that was inflicted upon them: Marcela and Laura, are two girls forced to live as sexual workers for their “boyfriends”; Maria, who at only five years old who was coerced into domestic servitude; and José who was pushed into a life of drug trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of young people in Latin America and the Caribbean are lured into modern-day slavery as a result of seeking out safety and a better future. They are trapped in dangerous and frightening scenarios and forced into manual labour, drug trafficking and sex work.

International students targeted by human traffickers

International students targeted by human traffickers

Posted by australianetworknews on YOUTUBE

International students are increasingly being exploited by human traffickers. Over a decade ago the United Nations adopted a plan to tackle the problem, with more than 150 countries having since signed up to the Palermo Protocol, enacting laws criminalising all forms of trafficking. But sexual and labour exploitation is still a global problem, with little sign of going away.