Hepatitis B vaccine halted in Vietnam after 3 newborns die

Hepatitis B vaccine halted after 3 newborns die from system shock

The Vietnamese Health Department is coming out and ending the use of hepatitis B vaccines throughout the entire country of Vietnam. The decision was made after three different families lost their babies after the precious young ones were inoculated with standard, proven hepatitis B vaccinations. The three babies died on July 20th in the central province of Quant Tri. The cause of their death is listed as anaphylactic shock. Officials from Vietnam’s National Expanded Program on Immunization reported that the vaccines were not expired, were properly stored, and were properly administered. Awkwardly, the chairperson of the program asked parents to “keep calm and continue vaccinating their children.”

Image taken from healthtap.com

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese Health Department has decided to pull the hepatitis B vaccines altogether, also discontinuing the use of two other vaccine lots.

The families of the deceased infants have been offered free medical care from the same hospitals responsible for administering the deadly vaccines to their babies.

Read more on Hepatitis B vaccine and why can it can be harmful

60 Things that Can Go Terribly Wrong with Hepatitis B Vaccination

For a list of these countries and their Hepatitis B requirements, please click here.





Young woman’s ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck ‘forgot to research’ effects of vaccine on female reproduction

Young woman‘s ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck ‘forgot to research’ effects of vaccine on female reproduction

by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer – Source : (Natural News)

(NaturalNews) A newly-published study has revealed that Merck & Co., the corporate mastermind behind the infamous Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), conveniently forgot to research the effects of this deadly vaccine on women’s reproductive systems. And at least one young woman, in this case from Australia, bore the brunt of this inexcusable failure after discovering that her own ovaries had been completely destroyed as a result of getting the vaccine.


Published in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal (BMJ), the harrowing recount of this young 16-year-old girl’s experience should give pause to all parents currently being pressured by their doctors into having their young daughters jabbed with Gardasil. Robbed of her natural ability to experience full womanhood, this young woman experienced early menopause, in which her ovaries completely shut down before they were even able to fully develop

Read full article :  Click here

Image taken from birthofanewearth.blogspot.com

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Brazilian AIDS vaccine set to undergo testing on monkeys this year

Brazilian AIDS vaccine set to undergo testing on monkeys this year

Source :inquisitr.com

Image taken from aidsaccountability.org

Scientists in Brazil have recently developed an AIDS vaccine. The vaccine was designed to treat patients already infected HIV, hopefully preventing the infection from developing into AIDS.

Vaccine testing will begin later this year. Initial trials will use rhesus monkeys, who have a similar immune system to humans. Furthermore, HIV is a genetic mutation of SIV, the Simian Immuno Virus, carried by monkeys.

Vaccines in use today don’t prevent or treat infections, but subscribers to allopathic medicine use them to increase antibodies, which can make people less susceptible to developing certain diseases. Brazil’s AIDS vaccine however, operates on a different principle. It is supposed to suspend HIV infection at an early stage, and though HIV would stay in the patient’s system, it would not be able to develop into AIDS or be passed on to others.

The monkey trials are expected to last two years, after which, testing may begin on humans.